
Trichomoniasis is a common type of STI caused by the parasite Trichomonas vaginalis. It is passed on from one person to another through intimate physical contact. In most cases, men typically have no symptoms, however for women you may experience:


  • Genital itching
  • Painful urination or sex
  • Unusual consistence and colour of the vaginal discharge
  • Swelling and soreness around the vagina

Why Get Tested For Trichomoniasis?

Not getting tested regularly for trichomoniasis can lead to spreading the disease to your sexual partner. Left untreated, a trichomoniasis infection can lead to complications in pregnant women, such as premature delivery and transmitting the infection to the baby.

When To Get Tested For Trichomoniasis?

You can get tested at any time, but you should get tested if you have symptoms or if you have had a sexual partner with a confirmed infection.


No, you cannot. Typically, trich is diagnosed with a urethral, cervical or vaginal examination.

Other symptoms of trich include pain and burning when you pee, the urge to pee a lot, discharge from your vagina or urethra, also itching and irritation.